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gmbond -- ARB Prop 1B Goods Movement Incentives Workshops

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 10:11:16
ARB staff will hold public workshops on November 6, 2012 in
Sacramento, November 7 in Long Beach, and November 8 in Fresno,
to discuss staff’s proposed updates to the Prop 1B Goods Movement
Emission Reduction Program Guidelines. The Guidelines define the
responsibilities of ARB, local agencies, and equipment owners,
and the technical specifications and funding amounts for eligible
projects to reduce freight emissions. 

The Sacramento workshop will also be webcast.  The workshop
notice is available at http://www.arb.ca.gov/gmbond.htm.  A draft
concept paper describing the proposed updates will be available

Background:  The Prop 1B Goods Movement Emission Reduction
Program is a partnership between the State Air Resources Board
(ARB) and local agencies (like air districts, ports, and
transportation agencies) to quickly reduce air pollution
emissions and health risk from freight movement along
California’s trade corridors.  ARB provides funding to eligible
agencies; those agencies then offer financial incentives to
owners of equipment used in freight movement to upgrade to
cleaner technologies. 

If you have any questions, please call our Goods Movement
Information Line at:  (916) 44-GOODS (444-6637) or contact us via
email at gmbond@arb.ca.gov.

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