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cargo -- Update on Amendments to Cargo Handling Equipment Regulation

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 14:36:39
ARB Staff to Propose Additional Conditions on Proposed Compliance
Extension Years . 

Attention: Owners/Operators Using or Planning to Use the “No
VDECS Available” Extension (Section 2479 (f)(2)) or,

Using or Planning to Use the Proposed “Low-Use Equipment”
Extension (Proposed Section 2479 (f)(6)).

Staff will be proposing for the Board’s consideration at the
September 22, 2011, Air Resources Board hearing, additional
conditions for the third and fourth years of a “No VDECS
Available” compliance extension, and for the proposed “Low-Use
Equipment” compliance extension, as described below.

Application requirements for the proposed third and fourth years
of the “No VDECS Available” compliance extension, in addition to
those specified in the current regulatory language (Section 2479
(f)(2)), are being proposed to include the following:

•  Equipment owners or operators would agree to replace the
equipment for which a third or fourth year of “No VDECS
Available” compliance extension was granted with either electric
or hybrid equipment, if available, at the end of the extension

•  Equipment, for which the basic reason a VDECS is not available
is high engine exhaust opacity, would not be eligible for a third
or fourth year of “No VDECS Available” compliance extension.

Staff will also be proposing that the application requirements
for the proposed low-use equipment compliance extension, in
addition to those described in the proposed regulatory language,
include the requirement that all applicable engines in a fleet
for which a compliance option is feasible be brought into

Additionally, staff will be proposing to modify the current
Alternative Compliance Plan option in the regulation to include
yard trucks. 

The public will have an opportunity to comment on these proposed
modifications both in-person, at a September 22, 2011, Air
Resources Board hearing, and in writing, during a new public
comment period after the Board hearing.     

The public hearing notice for the amendments and all supporting
documentation are available at the following web site:


Additional information on the regulation is available at the
following link:


If you have any questions, please contact either Cherie Rainforth
at (916) 327-7213 or crainfor@arb.ca.gov or Kirk Rosenkranz at
(916) 327-7843 or krosenkr@arb.ca.gov.

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