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chps -- Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Systems Survey is now available

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 14:10:04
Air Resources Board (ARB) staff has posted the Combined Heat and
Power (CHP) Systems Survey online for downloading. The survey
package includes a cover letter, the survey forms, instructions
for completion of the forms, and a confidential information
submittal form.  The survey package is available at the ARB’s
Combined Heat and Power Systems webpage at

If you have any comments or questions, please contact Dave Mehl,
Energy Section Manager, at dmehl@arb.ca.gov or via telephone at
(916) 323-1491; or Rosa Lopez, Air Resources Engineer, at
rlopez@arb.ca.gov or via telephone at (916) 327-5978.

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) is the lead agency for
implementing Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32), the Global Warming
Solutions Act of 2006 (Nùñez, Chapter 488, Statutes of 2006).  As
part of the mandates to reduce California's greenhouse gas
emissions to 1990 levels, ARB staff has created a Scoping Plan
and subsequent Appendices detailing possible methods of achieving
the required emission reductions.  One method is through the use
of regulatory emission reduction measures.  A part of the
regulatory approach includes a substantial increase of combined
heat and power (CHP) systems throughout the state. 
Additional information on ARB’s CHP efforts can be found at ARB’s
CHP webpage at

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