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arbcombo -- Updated carbon intensities and other information from registered biorefineries under LCFS

Posted: 27 May 2011 12:49:35
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) staff has updated carbon
intensities (CIs) and other information about registered
biorefineries; the updated information can be found at the Low
Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) biorefinery-registration webpage:. 


General information on the LCFS program can be found at the LCFS
informational portal: 


The updates include adding nine new facilities, adding new fuel
pathways to six previously registered facilities, moving two
facilities from previous “Physical Pathway Pending” list to the
complete list, and moving one facility from previous “Carbon
Intensity Pending” list to the complete list.  Also included are
two company ID corrections.

If you have any questions, please contact Susan Solarz at
ssolarz@arb.ca.gov or at (916) 323-2790; or Jing Yuan at
jyuan@arb.ca.gov or at (916)322-8875.

The Low Carbon Fuel Standard, a regulation to reduce the carbon
intensity of fuels sold in California ten percent by 2020, is
designed to help clean the air, protect the environment, and
drive the development of clean, low-carbon fuels to improve
California's energy security and energy independence.

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