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omb -- the California Workforce Investment Board’s Business Services Resource Catalog

Posted: 03 May 2011 08:32:42
A web-based tool where businesses, business services
practitioners, economic development professionals, and policy
makers could view and sort through our state’s resources that
target the needs of businesses which are now reflected in the

Dear Colleagues:

As always, we would like to thank you for your participation and
contributions to the California Workforce Investment Board’s
Business Services Resource Catalog (Catalog). The Catalog has
been well received and has been generating a lot of interest. 
Amongst our goals with this process was to develop a web-based
tool where businesses, business services practitioners, economic
development professionals, and policy makers could view and sort
through our state’s resources that target the needs of businesses
which are now reflected in the Catalog.  We are currently
exploring the most efficient manner to get this website tool up
and running.  

Below is the link to view the Catalog Issue 4 that was presented
and distributed on the April 20th California Workforce
Association Spring Conference 2011 and the April 21st California
Environmental Protection Agency’s Interagency Meet and Greet on
Green Economy and Jobs meeting.  Please take a look at the
catalog and let us know if there are any comments and additional
resources that we should include.  We will keep you posted on the
development of the web-based solution.   

To view the latest version, go to

Your continued participation and engagement are highly

ARB What's New
