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harp -- HARP 1.4c is now available

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 10:53:25
HARP version 1_4c is now available free for download . from the
HARP website

HARP 1.4b Change Details

1.	Bug Fix:  The automatic receptor proximity calculation in the
Emission Inventory Module may inadvertently ignore a sensitive
receptor when determining the closest distance receptor.  With
some extreme property dimensions, a shadow or blind spot can be
created by the calculations used to determine whether a receptor
lies inside or outside a property boundary.  If the sensitive
receptor was located within this blind spot, it was treated as if
it was located inside the property boundary and ignored by HARP. 
Also multiple property boundaries at a facility were not
accounted for in the proximity calculation.  Both of these issues
have been fixed.

2.	Bug Fix:  If a user selects to display multiple substances in
the Process Summary Report, the report printout may not display
the emissions correctly for facilities with multiple devices and
processes.  This issue is caused when a process only emits one of
the substances that are displayed on the report.  The emission
columns will become misaligned and give the appearance that some
process records were skipped.  The Process Summary Report is
located in the Emission Inventory Module.

3.	Bug Fix: The Sensitive Receptor Window displayed the incorrect
label for the northing coordinate.  This label has been changed
from “West” to “North.” 

4.	A note has been added to the Compare Two Years Report to
clarify the emission units.  Annual emissions are reported in
LBS/YR for toxics, TONS/YR for criteria pollutants, and CURIES/YR
for radionuclides.  Maximum emissions are reported in LBS/YR for
toxics and MILLICURIES/HR for radionuclides.

HARP Contacts:

Steven Yee 
(916) 327-5635

YanPing Zuo
(916) 322-1617

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