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consprod -- DRAFT ARB 2006 Consumer and Commercial Products Survey, including aerosol coating products

Posted: 20 Jun 2007 12:43:27
This message is to inform you that a DRAFT Category List and
DRAFT FORMs 1-4 for the 2006 Consumer Products Survey have been
posted to the ARB website. 


We are posting the draft documents to solicit comments from
interested parties prior to finalizing the 2006 Survey.  It is
staff's intent to mail and post to our website the finalized
2006 Survey in early July.  Completion and submission of the
2006 Survey forms would be required by early November. 

Please submit any comments you have regarding these documents
Trish Johnson, tjohnson@arb.ca.gov on or before June 27, 2007. 

If you have any questions, please direct them to Trish Johnson,
tjohnson@arb.ca.gov, (916) 445-3365 or David Mallory,
dmallory@arb.ca.gov, (916) 445-8316.

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