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lcfs -- Updated LCFS Biofuel Producers Registration Form

Posted: 21 Jul 2010 14:35:19
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) staff has posted an
updated Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Biofuel Producers
Registration Form on the LCFS website at:

This update makes the following changes:

1) The dropdown menu description of the corn ethanol, dry mill,
wet DGS fuel pathway, with Carbon Intensity (CI) value of 90.1
g/MJ, is corrected in Section 5 of the Facility Registration Info
worksheet to clarify that this is a natural gas (NG) - only
pathway. The “NG” designation was inadvertently omitted in the
LCFS Lookup Table. 

2) The “Carbon Intensity (CI) Value” discussion in the
“Instructions” tab of Section 5 has been clarified and now
includes links to the approved LCFS Fuel Pathway documents and to
the Method 2A/2B application guidance document. Biofuel
registrants should consult the LCFS fuel pathway documents in the
process of identifying the CI value and fuel pathway for their
fuels to ensure that the fuel pathway and CI value they identify
for their fuels corresponds with the actual production processes
at the facility. 

If you have any questions, please contact Susan Solarz at (916)
323-2790 or at ssolarz@arb.ca.gov; or Jing Yuan at (916) 322-8875
or at jyuan@arb.ca.gov.

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