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ghgpv10 -- 15-Day Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 17:15:10
We have posted the 15-Day “Notice of Public Availability of
Modified Text for the Proposed Amendments to New Passenger Motor
Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Model Years
2012-2016 to Permit Compliance Based on Federal Greenhouse Gas
Emission Standards.” 

This notice and the associated regulatory materials can be 
accessed from the ARB website address: 


Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulation
may be directed to the designated agency contact persons, Mr.
Paul Hughes, Manager, Low-Emission Vehicle Implementation
Section, at (626) 575-6977, or Ms. Sarah Carter, Staff Air
Pollution Specialist, at (626) 575-6845.

Written comments will only be accepted on the modifications
approved by the Board and may be submitted by postal mail or
electronic mail submittal as follows:

Postal mail:  Clerk of the Board, Air Resources Board
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814

Electronic submittal:  

Thank you

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