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aircleaners -- Proposed Amendments to the Air Cleaner Regulation

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 16:16:02
Staff of the Air Resources Board has proposed minor amendments to
the Air Cleaner Regulation, to extend the date that package
labeling must be compliant with the regulation, and to improve
implementation of the regulation.  Air cleaners would still have
to be tested and certified by October 18, 2010, but, as requested
by manufacturers, the package labeling requirements would not
have to be met for an additional year, and adhesive labels
(rather than printing on the package) would be allowed for two
years.  Other amendments would: (1) allow “mechanical filtration
only” air cleaners to be tested for electrical safety at
additional facilities; (2) incorporate into the regulation three
clarifications to the ozone test protocol issued by UL; (3) allow
devices that include an air cleaner component but whose main
purpose is something other than air cleaning to be tested for
electrical safety under their applicable ANSI/UL electrical
safety test; and 4) refine the definition of “mechanical
filtration only” to reference all pollutants (not just particles)
to be fully consistent with the rest of the regulation. Together
these latter amendments would shorten the time needed for the
ozone test, and correct some oversights regarding electrical
safety testing in the original regulation. 

The Board will consider the proposed amendments to the Air
Cleaner Regulation on December 9, 2009 at their regular monthly
meeting in Sacramento. The Public Notice and the associated
formal regulatory materials (staff report and proposed language
changes) provide more information on the proposed amendments. 
They can be accessed from our website at the following address:
http://www.arb.ca.gov/regact/2009/iacd09/iacd09.htm. The Board
encourages those with comments to contact staff to discuss their
comments in advance of the Board meeting.  Written comments are
due to the Clerk of the Board by noon, December 8, 2009; please
see the Public Notice for details on how to submit written

Inquiries concerning the proposed amendments may be directed to
Ms. Peggy Jenkins, Manager of the Indoor Exposure Assessment
Section, at (916) 323-1504 or Mr. Jim Behrmann, at (916)

If you have problems accessing the webpages, please contact
Susan Lum at slum@arb.ca.gov or by phone at 916-323-5043. 

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