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reactivity -- Presentation posted, August 4 Reactivity Amendments Public Workshop

Posted: 03 Aug 2009 14:21:11
We have posted the presentation for the August 4th Reactivity
Amendments Public Workshop. The amendments are proposed for
consideration at a November 3, 2009 Executive Officer Hearing. 

The presentation can be found at the following website:


The workshop is an opportunity for stakeholders to work with ARB
staff, to make comments on the staff proposal, and to address
questions regarding the 2009 rulemaking process. Please see the
following website for the meeting notice which contains
information on the meeting location, and instructions to
participate by tele-conference:

If you have any questions or comments regarding the public
workshop or the materials posted, please contact Ralph Propper at
(916) 323-1535 or by email at rpropper@arb.ca.gov, or Dongmin Luo
at (916) 324-8496 or by email at dluo@arb.ca.gov.

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