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compwood -- Update to the Frequently Asked Questions Webpage

Posted: 16 Mar 2009 15:22:23
This list serve note is to inform you that CARB staff has
clarified our position on the applicability of wood packaging
materials (i.e., to pallets and crates) under the Composite Wood
Products Airborne Toxic Control Measure.   The information below
is also reflected in our newly revised Frequently Asked Question
(FAQ), posted today on our website. 

“Since wood packaging may contain composite wood products (i.e.,
hardwood plywood, medium density fiberboard, and/or
particleboard), wood packaging would be ‘finished goods’ subject
to the ATCM if one were to take a strict interpretation of the
ATCM’s definition of ‘finished goods.’  However, it was not
CARB’s intent to regulate wood packaging as ‘finished goods.’  To
be consistent with this intent and provide fairness to the
regulated community, CARB staff interprets the ATCM as not
applying to wood packaging.  These products are not subject to
any of the requirements of the ATCM.

By ‘wood packaging’ we mean pallets, skids, boxes, crates, and
containers used for handling, sorting, storing, shipping, and
transporting goods.”

Please feel free to distribute this information to anyone that
uses, supplies, manufactures, or sells the above mentioned goods
to California.  For additional information, please contact Ms.
Angela Csondes, Air Pollution Specialist, at acsondes@arb.ca.gov,
or call at 916-445-4448.

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