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ordiesel -- Revised Fleet Avg. Calculator Posted

Posted: 26 Apr 2007 10:49:17
ARB staff has revised the Fleet Average Calculators on ARB's
In-Use Off-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation website to reflect the
proposed regulation in the April 6, 2007 staff report.

The Fleet Average Calculators are Excel files designed to
calculate the user's Fleet Average, as well as the Fleet Average
Targets, based on the equipment model year and horsepower input. 
The calculators allow users to experiment with different
turnover, repower, and retrofit strategies to understand what
the proposed in-use off-road diesel vehicle regulation would
require. There is one calculator for large/medium fleets and one
for small fleets.

The revised Fleet Average Calculators can be found under What’s
New at:

ARB What's New
