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amtac -- EPA Air Monitoring Training Courses

Posted: 06 May 2008 09:57:41
EPA Air Monitoring Training Courses by Dr. Cota Dr. Hal Cota, who
has taught numerous EPA air monitoring training courses
is asking for input on what EPA Air Pollution Training Courses
the air
monitoring community would be interested in.  Dr. Cota has
enough funds for
two more classes, and would like to ensure that the classes are
as full as
possible.  The courses could be taught in San Luis Obispo or
Some of the common APTI courses  that have had past interest
Quality Assurance, Atmospheric Sampling, Source Sampling for
Compliance and Source Testing, Continuous Emission Monitoring
Toxics Monitoring.

Please send an email to Dr. Cota at the address below indicating
courses you would be most interested in, and the best course


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