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vapor -- Public Workshop to Discuss Potential Amendments to Aboveground Gasoline Storage Tank Phase II Vapor Recovery Requirements

Posted: 17 May 2017 14:52:38
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff invites you to
participate in a public workshop (workshop) to discuss potential
amendments to aboveground gasoline storage tank (AST) vapor
recovery requirements.  The workshop will be held at the location
shown below in Sacramento, California.  Interested stakeholders
can participate in person or via a listen only teleconference.

Date:		Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Time:		10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location:	Air Resources Board	
	        First Floor Conference Rooms
	        1927 13th Street
	        Sacramento, California 

At the workshop, CARB staff will make a short presentation,
followed by a question-and-answer period.  CARB staff will
discuss the history of the California’s Phase I and Phase II
Enhanced Vapor Recovery (EVR) requirements for ASTs, the steps
planned to determine if amendments to existing requirements are
needed, and to solicit feedback.  Staff’s presentation and
supporting information will be posted prior to the workshop on
CARB’s website at https://www.arb.ca.gov/vapor/vapor.htm.

A copy of the Public Workshop Notice, which includes
teleconference information, is available at

Existing protected AST systems with remote dispensing are
required to upgrade to Phase II EVR by March 13, 2019.  CARB
staff are considering amendments to the current AST Phase II EVR
applicability requirements to address potential concerns about
cost effectiveness and emissions benefits.  

For additional information about CARB’s Vapor Recovery Program,
please visit the Vapor Recovery Homepage at:

Please send an email to vapor@arb.ca.gov, if you have any
questions regarding the public workshop or the existing AST

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