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Comment 57 for General Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan (sp-general-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: George
Last Name: Hague
Email Address:

Subject: Off-Highway Vehicals pollution needs strong/quick cleanup standards

Dear Ms Nichols,

As the CARB Chair would you please make sure all decision makers
have a copy of the above document
-Fuel to Burn: the climate and public health implications of
off-road vehicle pollution in California.

I am a resident of Riverside County and am very concerned about
the use of all types of motorized off highway (or roadway)
vehicles(OHV) in my area and the health problems they add to our
non attainment area. This report mentions how in California they
emit 500 million pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each
year. "This is the equivalent to burning  500,000 barrels of oil".
The report also mentions that the 26 million gallons of gasoline
consumed by OHVs each year in California is equivalent to the
amount of gasoline used by 1.5 million car trips between Los
Angeles and San Francisco.

In addition to OHVs you need to also factor  jet skis, motor
boats, snow mobiles and private airplanes into the final plan.
Without a strong plan to immediately deal with all of the above
sources of pollution-not dragged out over years- you will need to
remove the word "Solution" from the Act.

Please notify me of all future documents and meetings in Southern
California related to this topic.


Original File Name: Fuel_to_Burn_for_Web-2.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-07-22 12:45:51

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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