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Comment 336 for Statewide Truck and Bus Regulation 2008 (truckbus08) - 45 Day.

First NameTom
Last NameEaton
SubjectDiesel Trucks and Aero products for trailers
I have heard that China puts more pollutants in the air in a week
than your project will save over a twenty year period..... so how
can you think of putting the financial burden of these proposed
regulations on the already struggling trucking industry? Do you
relly think we can just pull money out of our a$$e$ to accomodate
your folly in the name of clean air, OR even more preposterous in
the name of craeting more jobs. Your passage of these regulations
will force a huge percentage of California's trucking companies
into closing their doors. How many jobs will that cost? After they
are gone you better hang on to your personal wallets, their will be
such a shortage of trucks in Californbia, the shipping rates will
certainly rise and add to the consumer's costs in a manner that
could make everyone forget what happened when fuel was $near
$5.00/gallon. The surviving companies will be in the driver's
seat.....  You environmentalists and your "green" agenda have all
but crippled this country. You have made us slaves to OPEC and
other oil producing countries with your ban on drilling, and now
you want to increase the burden on our citizenry with these
regulations in the name of stopping global warming, something that
is probably caused by a change in weather patterns more than we

Also, do you really think the out of state carriers will comply?
California is already one of the least desireable states for out of
state carriers, why would you wnat to add to it?? I'm thinking if I
was an out of state carrier, my trucks would stop at the border and
tell California to come get it, or not come to the West Coast at
all. ....... hmmm maybe that's the answer I'll get out of trucking
and build warehouses at the border to cross dock California's
goods.... how much will that add to the cost of goods coming in?? 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-12-09 17:25:13

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