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Comment 253 for Statewide Truck and Bus Regulation 2008 (truckbus08) - 45 Day.

First NameDave
Last NameKisor
SubjectI breathe in So CA, but I don't inhale!
Every passenger car is subjected to smogging and it stands to
reason that heavy diesel transports should be also.  It should be a
simple fix with a system of filters or even some kind of osmosis. 
The cloud that is emitted from the exhausts is something you don't
want to have to inhale and that crud must have a detrimental effect
on the atmosphere.  When the Santa Ana winds come to town, they
blow it all away so we can share our cruddy air with the rest of
the world, but their crud makes its way here, too.  If we do
something about the snog, perhaps the others will, too.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-12-08 11:12:40

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