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Comment 27 for Statewide Truck and Bus Regulation 2008 (truckbus08) - 45 Day.

First NameLiz
Last NameMcDannel Bell
Affiliationformer ARB staffer (1975-79);now retired
SubjectPM in auto carrier trucks
I currently moved to mid-Santa Monica, California to 18th St., just
south of Santa Monica Blvd.  Santa Monica Blvd at this location is
"car row" with numerous auto dealers.  Our house is immediately
adjacent to the American Honda dealer at 18th and Santa Monica. 
Numerous times during the week, multi-vehicle carrier trucks on-
and off-load cars.  According to City standards, I think they are
not load/unload on this street, but on Broadway, an adjoining
commercial street. (I'm checking into this.)  However, this is not
always the case and sometimes the trucks are left in idle for long
periods of time.  However, whether they are in front of our house
(a joint-use residential/commercial street), or on a commercial
street, I can't imagine the idling is good for the general air
quality.  I can't remember if PM is emitted during idling, but
certainly other air pollution contaminants are.  So my husband,
Dale Bell, and I add our strong support to any proposed regulation
that would cut down on particulate and other emissions.  You've
done a great job in keeping the focus on health effects of air
pollution while also recognizing that strong but effecively applied
air quality regulations actually help businesses be more efficient,
which adds to their overall positive bottom line.  Thank you and
best wishes.  Liz and Dale Bell

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-11-18 13:56:28

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