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Comment 17 for Statewide Truck and Bus Regulation 2008 (truckbus08) - 45 Day.

First NameRon
Last NameSilva
AffiliationWestar Transport
SubjectOn- Road Fleet Rule
Dear ARB Board Members,

I have operated a Trucking fleet in California for 30 years. 
Currently my fleet comprises of 50 Heavy Duty Trucks and 150 Large
Semi Trailers.  I have run both New and used Trucks over the years
and know the cost of running both.  Like you I am concerned about
Clean Air and Health Risks.  like you I want clean Air also.  This
rule will likely put me out of business and over 60 people out of
work.  This Rule is to MUCH to FAST.  We in California have known
for a long time this EPA target for Emissions was coming.  We
neglected to start doing something about years ago when we should
have.  The Trucking Industry cannot afford to correct the Air
problem by its self.  This the worst possible time for this
regulation.  I urge you to delay this rule for three more years to
give our economy and financial markets to recover.  this Rule will
eliminate many carriers and Freight Rates will rise out of control.
 Supply and demand will take over and there no regulatory body that
will be able to stop price gouging.  This rule can cripple the
California Economy as we know it.  Prices will be high for
Transportation that the Farmers will not be able to afford to have
the crops hauled out of the field.  People will loose there jobs
and Fore closers will grow.  The current Fleet Modernization
Programs need to be improved and expanded to help fleets get Newer
Faster while staying business and keeping Rates reasonable.  This
way Tax Payers help pay for the Clean Air we ALL need to breath. 
Please do not saddle the Trucking Industry with the Financial
Burden of Cleaning the Air for ALL Californians.  In closing I will
suggest the following  actions by the board to Clean the Air Faster
and save the Trucking Industry at the same time.  First push this
rule for three years,  Then keep pupping money into Fleet
AS POSSIBLE.  There is no better or Faster way to help Californias
emmission and Congestion poblems.  As most of you know I tried for
several years to convince this State we need a New Transportation
System.  The Current Administration does not have the willingness
to take on the Ports and Unions nessary to lower the Costs to
divert Cargo by Water.  The ARB needs to do what ever is nessary
and build a New System as quickly as possible.  Sooner or Later
this will have to happen.  Its the ARB Boards Job to get Cleaner
Air Faster.  This is the Best way to accomplish that goal and
Protect the California Economy.  Thank you letting submit Comments
on this Job Killing Rule.

Ron Silva
Westar Transport
Selma, CA

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-11-07 13:28:54

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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