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Comment 250 for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameAndrew
Last NameHenderson
AffiliationBuilding Industry Association of S.C.
SubjectTargeted GHG Reduction from Regional Transportation
Concerning the pending Scoping Plan for A.B. 32, I write to express
strong concern about the recommendation to target a reduction of 5
million metric tons annually of greenhouse gases from regional
transportation and land use.  Specifically, I understand that the
Board and its staff are being asked by some camps to increase the
recommended target for reductions from regional transportation even
higher still, above 5 million metric tons.

I strongly urge the Board NOT to increase the reduction target for
regional transportation any further.  First, I am unaware of any
evidence that would indicate that even larger reductions are
reasonably achievable and would not cause wrenching dislocations
and extreme economic hardship.  Moreover, local governments, county
transportation commissions and transportation planning agencies,
and countless stakeholders are already faced with implementing the
recently-enacted Senate Bill 375, which sets forth a challenging
process to spur changes to transportation and land use planning in
order to achieve A.B. 32 compliance.  Even bigger reduction targets
for regional transportation in the scoping plan – above the 5
million metric tons annually proposed – would lead to chaos if they
were to be translated, in any way, into S.B. 375 regional reduction

Accordingly, I respectfully urge the Board not to increase any
more the recommended, targeted reduction of greenhouse gases from
regional transportation.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-12-03 10:37:07

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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