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Comment 52 for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameRichard
Last NameHarvey
SubjectCARB Scoping Plan Comments
CARB Board and Staff:

I congratulate CARB for issuing draft recommendations for
implementing AB 32 that mandate clean energy standards, energy
efficiency measures and clean vehicle requirements. Particularly, I
was happy to see a 33-percent renewable energy requirement for the
state's electricity supply.

However, CARB must go farther if we are going to make the major
changes needed to prevent catastrophic changes to our climate.
Please include in your Final Scoping Plan steps to:

- Make sure all polluters pay a price for greenhouse gas emissions
through carbon fees or auctions. We can use those funds to create
clean energy jobs and infrastructure for California. 

- Reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) through performance-based
public transportation programs, such as Bus to Transit

- Speed production of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), by mandating
hundreds of thousands of battery powered electric cars on our roads
in the next decade.

- Adopt Zero-Waste policies built around life-cycle tracking of
manufactured products and the "Three R's": Reduce waste, Reuse
products, and Recycle solid waste materials and compost.

- Support California cities converting to clean energy using
"Community Choice" programs that pool the buying power of local
utility customers.

- Create "feed-in tariffs" requiring utility companies to pay a
fixed, fair price for renewable electricity.

- Mandate more land-use & planning measures so that increasing
vehicle use doesn't erode the gains from fuel efficiency and
low-carbon fuels. 

- Minimize "offsets" polluters use to claim they have reduced
emissions & establish rigorous standards to hold them accountable
for all greenhouse gases.

Thank you very much for all your hard work. 

Sincerely, Richard Harvey

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-11-13 10:33:52

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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