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Comment 183 for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameSteve
Last NameBirdlebough
AffiliationFriends of SMARTransit
SubjectClimate Protection Scoping Plan
I have been involved in air quality issues as a volunteer since
1970, and commend the CARB Board for taking a generally aggressive
environmental protection stance.  We are relying on you to adopt
far-reaching measures to slow global warming and achieve
progressive reductions in smog and other dangerous air pollutants
that cause illness and death.

Sonoma County has adopted goals for greenhouse gas reduction that
are very demanding.  We need your help to establish state standards
that reinforce these local efforts, and set an example for the
Federal Government as well as for other nations.   Communities
throughout California are already facing a public.  I also urge the
state air board to include a stronger focus on measures to reduce
emissions from driving that make up 60% of greenhouse gases here in
the North Bay.  Please include a much more aggressive statewide
goal for reducing vehicle trips, as well as measures that encourage
more aggressive VMT reduction actions by all local governments. 
Also, focus on other regulatory measures to cut GHG emissions from
industrial sources such as petroleum refineries and cement plants.

The plan needs to show that taken together the proposed measures
will make rapid progress toward reducing greenhouse gases as it
protects vulnerable individuals and communities from pollution

Thank you for your efforts to strengthen the AB 32 draft scoping

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-11-19 19:20:17

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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