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Comment 140 for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameJohn D. (Jack)
Last NameVan Patten
SubjectHearing in re: Approval of AB32 Scoping Plan
Dear Members of the Board:

SUBJECT:  AB32 Scoping Plan Hearing on November 20, 2008-11-19

I urge you to restore the target in the Scoping Plan for GHG
reductions for land use to the 15-18% in the original document.

Current growth patterns put the state on a path that will result
in a 50-70 percent increase in driving over the next 30 years,
making it virtually impossible for California to reach the 2050
goal of reducing our emissions by 80% over 1990 levels, the amount
needed to prevent catastrophic changes to our climate. The current
2020 target of 5 MMT is not high enough to get California on track
to achieve the 2050 goal.

In the face of the present economic debacle, and the faster than
anticipated worsening of the climate crisis, it is imperative that
the Board strengthen, rather than weaken the AB32 Scoping Plan.

‘Business-as-usual’ has been overtaken by events that do not
provide for what we have taken for granted in the past:  we are
entering the Long Emergency; failing to ‘strengthen the things that
remain’ (the original targets in the AB32 Scoping Plan) only make
things so much worse than they need to be.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-11-19 14:29:39

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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