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Comment 118 for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameKathy
Last NameSeal
AffiliationSierra Club
SubjectRamping up individual and family contributions to curbing GHG
without knowing the effect of our steps, why should we take them?  
  Using compact fluorescents and insulating our homes may
eventually lower energy bills a bit, but many other necessary steps
such as recycling or driving less give us little if any   direct
positive feedback. It’s hard to lower your carbon footprint
without some concrete clear sign that you’re doing good.    

To give us such a signal,  CARB ought to create a website and  
where individuals and families could record the changes they’re
voluntarily making in home insulation, windows, appliances, roof
color, shading, compact fluorescents, recycling, reducing vehicle
travel and other emission-slashing activities.   This statewide
electronic registry could  report back via numbers and graphics the
mounting total of greenhouse gas emissions curbed.    

Such evidence of   meaningful contribution will motivate us to do
more, and to urge our friends and family to participate.

Further, CARB should create a website and other public materials
that chart graph or in other ways gives evidence of GHG emissions
curbed by industry, government and other sectors by the measures
mandated by AB 32. That way the public can see and be motivated by
the progress we are making as a state. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-11-19 09:51:18

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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