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Comment 89 for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameEric
Last NameGrant
SubjectComments for California Air Resources Board
- Big polluters should pay for all their emissions: 100% auction of
emissions permits, no free giveaways.

- Consider cap-and-trade just a minor tool among market
mechanisms. Other tools should be brought forward more robustly,
including feed-in tariffs and carbon fees in the Plan's near-term
action agenda.

- Make sure the 33-percent renewable electricity standard by 2020
is given the force of law, either through legislation or regulatory

- Promote and enable Community Choice Electricity Aggregation
(CCA) and its potentially powerful GHG reduction potential for
cities and counties.

- Give more specificity and amplitude to the goal of electrifying
transportation, especially greatly expanding ZEV numbers (plug-ins
and electric cars) beyond CARB's currently too low projected

- Greatly strengthen the too-modest land use and agricultural
sections of Plan. The Plan greatly underestimates the significance
of methane emissions, by using the 100-year global warming
potential. Over a shorter time horizon, methane accounts for 17% to
perhaps well over 30% of the state's GHGs, rather than the 5.7% in
the 2004 inventory.

- Further increase requirements for zero waste and recycling, as
well as Extended Producer Responsibility.

- Ensure that actions to reduce greenhouse gases also help,
whenever possible, to clean up California 's unhealthy air.

- Limiting offsets will strengthen the demand for clean energy
innovation, which in turn provides more good jobs for

- Any offsets allowed should at most represent only a small
portion of a polluter's required emission reductions. They should
have stringent protocols ensuring that the reductions are
quantifiable, new, permanent, subject to independent third-party
verification, enforceable by CARB, and only located in California

- Offsets from sinks, such as planting trees or avoiding tree
cut-downs, should not be allowed, since they are too difficult to
measure and often under-perform. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-11-17 18:04:54

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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