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Comment 81 for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameSandra
Last NameTrutt
SubjectCap and Trade
Dear CARB,
     What a wonderful job you have done on this Scoping Plan.  
It's well thought out and it gives me hope that it will have a
great impact on the environment.  Thank you for all your hard
     The only troubling part of this plan is the Cap & Trade
provision.  It seems to me that this will increase the toxic load
on the areas that already are heavily impacted by pollution because
companies can trade their emissions from someone who is planting
trees, has a greener business or is located in a cleaner
     Under the Executive Summary it is stated that "Creating
targeted fees, including a public goods charge on water use,
etc..." would be an effective part of the plan.   That is an
excellent idea.   This leads directly to the question, Why not
create a carbon fee?  If raised rates on water will reduce use, so
will a fee on carbon emitted by companies.  I know it is probably
less popular, but it would surely work.   And there are no negative
impacts on any one region.   All impacts would be positive.  Yes, a
Carbon fee would hurt manufacturers and businesses, but they would
change their behavior quickly in order to avoid paying the fee.
     Please consider this information and do what is best for all
parts of California.
     Thank you for your consideration.
Sandra Trutt, Los Angeles

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-11-16 20:15:08

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