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Comment 510 for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameRichard
Last NameRobinson
Email AddressNon-web submitted comment
SubjectPollock Fishing Rules
First Name: Richard
Last Name: Robinson
EMail Address:
Phone Number:

Subject: Pollock fishing rules

It has come to my attention that the eastern Bering Sea pollock
stock appears to have declined 50% since last year.  This is
particularly alarming due to the vital role that pollock plays in
the Bering Sea ecosystem, as a food source for depleted fur seals
and endangered Steller sea lions.

When you meet in December, I urge you to set a catch limit that
will reverse the decline of pollock stocks and provide for the
needs for all species that depend on pollock as their prey.
Rebuilding pollock stocks will serve the long term interests of
Alaska's fishing industry and coastal communities.

I also urge you to suspend the roe fishery.  With pollock stocks
in trouble, it makes no sense to deliberately take tons of
females before they release their eggs.

In general, a more precautionary, ecosystem-based approach is
needed to prevent declines of this nature.  Marine reserves are a
valuable tool to enable degraded habitats to recover, and to
rebuild fish populations.  They can also serve as experimental
controls which help increase understanding of the impacts of
climate change.

Decisive action is needed now to prevent one of the largest
fisheries collapses in history, with far reaching ecological and
economic implications. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-12-20 11:23:22

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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