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Comment 467 for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - .

First NameGladwyn
Last Named'Souza
SubjectAB32 Scoping plan comments
 Dear Chair Nichols:
 Thank you for you and your staff's hard work on the Climate
Change Scoping Plan. Your plan will shape our states response to
global warming over several decades.

 As you meet Dec. 11-12 to consider whether to adopt the plan, I
hope you take the time to review three key areas: land use,
auctions, and offsets.

 Land Use: Please consider setting a higher target for land use
pollution reduction since changing land-use practices now
 will reduce sprawl. The goal should be to recycle and reuse
existing infrastructure resulting in fossil fuels remaining in the
ground. Consider spreading the pricing model from electricity
across all areas of fossil fuel use. A sustainable quantity is
allowed after which higher prices kick in.

 Auctions: Please consider requiring auctions, not giveaways for
any and all carbon allowances granted by CARB. A cap and dividend
as Hansen has said is important to address equity without which the
paradigm doesn't change and nothing works. A working system of
Renewable Energy Credits will allow individuals to install solar
and create local distributed networks of clean power.

 Offsets: Please think about reducing the offsets allowed under
this plan. Under the current plan, polluters could rely entirely on
offsets in the early years of the program, thus allowing polluters
in capped sectors to delay making their own emission reductions
until later years, in some cases not until 2018.

 Thank you for the strong leadership you have provided and
continue to
 provide as California addresses the pollution that causes global

Gladwyn d'Souza
1473 Sixth Ave, Belmont Ca 94002

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-12-11 07:40:11

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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