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Comment 463 for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameBeth
Last NameHuning
AffiliationSan Francisco Bay Joint Venture
SubjectAB 32 scoping plan comments
The San Francisco Bay Joint Venture (SFBJV) is a partnership of
government agencies, non-profit organizations, business, and
landowners working collaborative to protect, restore, and enhance
200,000 acres of wetlands in the San Francisco Bay Area.  The SFBJV
is one of 18 joint ventures in North America, implementing the
North American Wetlands Conservation Act.  The SFBJV is
particularly concerned about greenhouse gas emissions as they
relate to climate change and sea level rise.

Tidal wetlands have been shown to be effective not only for flood
control and shoreline protection, but in sequestering carbon.  They
also provide valuable wildlife habitat mitigate for sea level ries.
 Currently  SFBJV partners are conducting research in conjuction
with the California Climate Action Registry to more accurately
measure and assess carbon sequestration in SF Bay tidal wetlands. 
Additional research and technical assistance is needed to support
carbon sequestration, especially with respect to tidal wetlands. 
There is also a strong need for research to develop protocols for
carbon sequestration in wetlands, similar to existing forestry

It is important that there is a clear policy for guidance on
carbon credit/mitigation funding that can be used with other public
funding that allow for projects sponsored by the SFBJV to be able
to receive funding from multiple sources (i.e. public funding
sources - state or federal- and carbon credit/mitigation funding.)

The SFBJV suggests that AB 32 allow for funds generated by carbon
credits/mitigation or other carbon revenue generating activities to
be used for research and technical assistance to implement projects
for adaptation, such as wetland restoration, acquisition.

If you have any questions about the SFBJV or our interest in
ensuring that tidal wetlands are considered in AB32 implementation,
please feel free to contact me.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-12-10 20:06:31

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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