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Comment 399 for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameChristine
Last NameFinnie
SubjectScoping plan
Dear CARB,
I have lived in California for 57 years and have watched it
change--very little for the better. I still remember the day I
drove home from UCLA to Palos Verdes, thinking there must be a fire
because of the brown haze hanging over the ocean. I've seen traffic
gridlock extend from commute hours to all day, every day. I've
watched it in L.A. and in the Bay Area after I moved north.

Now I'm seeing different changes. Drought and water rationing are
common in the Monterey Bay area where I now live. Water supplies
are down to the lowest level in decades. Temperatures are so
erratic it's difficult to grow my vegetable garden any more--even
when I have water.

Even in the relatively short span of my lifetime, it's obvious
things have changed. And, as I said, not for the better.

When good public transit was available, I used it and enjoyed it.
But, sadly, because of poor coordination between transit districts
and even worse coverage, I have not always been able to. A friend
of mine recently tried to use the various transit systems to get
from Santa Cruz to the San Jose Convention Center. The trip, though
cost effective, was more than four times as long as driving would
have been.

This must change. We need to stop destroying the beautiful state I
was born in and want to pass along to my son. Usable public transit
is essential to stop traffic gridlock, air pollution, and global
warming. I urge you strongly to consider it.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-12-10 08:12:57

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