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Comment 55 for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameBill
Last NameGreninger
SubjectAB 32 Scoping Plan to Reduce Greenhouse Gases
Dear CARB,

Your plan for dealing with global climate change over the next
three decades, to be considered Novemebr 20, allows a large portion
of pollution to come from a "cap-and-trade" system that will
essentially allow polluters to trade permits for putting out
greenhouse gases.  In addition the proposal leaves open the chance
the state will give away these emission allowances for free, even
though the pollution they allow can hurt Californians.
Further, the proposed plan would allow polluters to meet half of
these emissions caps by buying “offsets” – essentially buying their
way out of complying with state law by paying others to reduce
their global warming pollution. This would discourage development
of clean energy technologies in California.

"Cap-and trade" should be replaced by a carbon tax on polluting
industries.  This would result in meaningful emission reductions
and accelerate the pace toward renewable, pollution free energy.

"Offsets" could mean, for example, companies contracting with a
foreign nation to maintain their forests while our companies
continue to pollute.  We might have little supervision over whether
that country will honor its commitments. Again, this has the
potential for a disingenuous "solution" to the problem of global
climate change. 


Bill Greninger

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-11-13 12:52:03

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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