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Comment 67 for In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets and Off-Road Large Spark Ignition Engine Fleet Requirements (on-offroad10) - 45 Day.

First NameRuben
Last NameAyala
SubjectRequirements for Diesel engines
First of all, let me say that the workers from the transportation
industry are not evil.  Contrary to popular belief, we do not want
to destroy the planet.  If you can find a way to gradually phase in
new standards that would not force us out of business, we would be
willing to comply.  
You may think that the current proposed requirements are just that,
but they are not.  How can they be, when a the findings you
presented were based on a false study.  Why don't we start by
conducting a real study with real numbers, in our area. 
I think that changes in the design and performance of diesel
engines should be incorporated at the manufacturing level.  I, as a
business man, understand that as technology changes and new
products become available, I may have to pay a little extra when
purchasing something new.
What you guys want to do is change the standards, making our
current fleet non compliant.  This forces us to spend money on our
existing fleet to comply, or buy new equipment to replace a unit
that is a productive part of our business.  I do not have to
explain that these are tough economic times, and these standards
will force people out of business.  Any good business owner will
upgrade their fleet, over time, when it is necessary.  We would
voluntarily upgrade our fleet to current standards as we gradually
phase out the older units.  All of the units we purchased in the
past, met the guidelines and standards set during the time of
I always though that my biggest competition in business would come
from other companies in my industry.  I never thought that my
government would be my biggest competitor, killing me with taxes,
standards and requirements.

Thank you for your time.

Ruben Ayala

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-13 08:36:58

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