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Comment 50 for In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets and Off-Road Large Spark Ignition Engine Fleet Requirements (on-offroad10) - 45 Day.

First NameAnn
Last NameLaman
SubjectNew Regulations on emissions
California is in decline because it is over taxed and over
regulated.  Businesses are fleeing the state so they can do
business without all of this.  Putting more stringent fuel
standards on Trucks, Buses, etc.  will just cause all products we
depend on to rise in cost and some will not be available.  It is
time to eliminate the ethanol in gas that decreases gas mileage and
hurts the cost of food because of all the corn it takes to produce
it.  It takes more energy to produce ethanol than it saves and does
nothing to clean the air but makes the gas mileage decrease.  There
have been too many of these quick fixes that do
not accomplish what they were intended but have far too many
unintended consequences.  What may sound like a good idea needs to
be given far more attention than passing another "feel good" rule
that becomes a bad one once it is realized what it causes.

In this financial climate - STOP!!

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-09 16:53:21

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