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Comment 31 for Amendments to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (lcfs2011) - 45 Day.

First Namebrad
Last Nameroon
Affiliationalleged human being
SubjectAir quality
I suspect we all know that in 1949 General Motors was convicted of
"a conspiracy to destroy the mass transit system of the United
States." We also know they received a slap on the wrist and then
did it with the collusion of many companies dealing in expendables,
chief among the expendables being petro.
In essence, when an elder or person with a compromised respiratory
system must stay inside or actually dies from pollution - and it
happens - we can lay these deaths and loss of freedoms at the feet
of a corporation which had become sociopathic. One which placed the
monetary interests of it's officers and shareholders above the
public good, and public health. This is literally psychotic, and
this same mindset is trying to convince you that somehow the
exacerbation of these problems is in your best interest.
The actual truth is somewhat contrary to that. Even if they bribe
you and lobby you for these adverse impacts on public health, you
still will be forced to breathe the bad air. You will have more
unhealthy toxins flood the environment and settling into your water
and food supplies. Your children and grandchildren will be
adversely impacted. Why? So that a few other people make even more
money than they already do as they rake in record profits in hard
economic times. 
Don't you question why they see a huge need for increased pollution
when they personally are quite comfortable? It would seem that if
they are having corporate difficulty they could take the billions
of dollars in shareholder payouts, executive bonuses and salaries,
and reinvest these monies in improved technologies and processes.
Maybe even build a new refinery for the first time in over 30 years
in the US. Wow, crazy!

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2011-12-12 08:08:36

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