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Comment 169 for Low Carbon Fuel Standard (lcfs09) - 45 Day.

First NameMatt
Last NameGregori
AffiliationRenewable Energy Products, LLC
SubjectImplement the LCFS and accelerate it!
Members of the ARB:
As a biodiesel producer in California, I urge you to not only
implement the LCFS, but also to revise the standard to more quickly
reduce GHG emissions in the state.  Biodiesel produced in
California from recycled feedstocks (we use tallow left over from
the rendering process) can reduce carbon emissions by 70%. 
Californians could reduce the state's total carbon footprint by 1%
by using just 35 million gallons of biodiesel per year statewide. 
That may sound like a lot of fuel, but our small facility alone
anticipates bringing 10 million gallons of production on-line this
year.  Californians want to make a difference when it comes to
climate change.  We have the opportunity to help them make a
difference sooner rather than later.

As a biodiesel user, I know that biodiesel is cleaner burning,
better for my engine, sustainable, and made right here in
California.  Agressive implementation of the LCFS will make
biodiesel more available to retail consumers as well as large
fleets.  Every diesel driver on the road could be contributing to
the fight against global warming and helping to boost California's
economy at the same time.

California has the drive and the resources to start reducing our
carbon footprint as early as next year.  The LCFS should set a more
agressive goal for carbon reduction.  Implement the LCFS and help
us fight global warming today. 


Matt Gregori
General Manager
Renewable Energy Products, LLC
O (562) 777-8196
F (562) 903-8911
M (310) 569-9623

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2009-04-21 17:43:49

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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