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Comment 1 for New Passenger Motor Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards (ghgpv10) - 45 Day.

First NameTom
Last NameMagdaleno
SubjectGreenhouse gas emissions
To the Clerk of the Air Resources Board,
I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed new rules
regulating emissions in California.  Although I believe the science
of global warming is sound, I think the direction the board is
taking is draconian and will do nothing to solve the problem
worldwide.     In my travels outside the US I am always amazed they
lack the basic environmental controls we had 40 years ago.  Money
spent there would go a lot further and it would actually improve
the quality of life.  Instead, we get regulations that send jobs to
places where they can pollute more and nobody wins. 
As a classic car hobbyist I was dismayed at the amount of
difficulty I had this last year in painting one of my classics.  
It is already difficult to find the chemicals needed to practice my
hobby.  I am afraid I will not be able to practice my hobby at all
if these new rules come into play.  
I urge you to suspend this legislation and focus on educating
people on proper tire inflation and on proper AC use.  Many people
I know use their air conditioning all the time and only adjust the
temperature control.  They do not realize they are wasting gas when
ever the AC is on and when ever the defroster is on.  Other people
won’t use the vent because of the smell from the ducts when the AC
is turned off.  These people need to be educated in the way to
prevent the smell.  Turning off the AC two blocks before you park
your car will blow the moisture out of the ducts and prevent the
smell.  Disseminating this simple fact will save a lot of fuel.  


Tom Magdaleno

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-01-13 20:43:41

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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