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Comment 2 for New Passenger Motor Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards (ghgpv10) - 15-1.

First NameJohn
Last NameDodds
SubjectGreenhouse Emissions
A paper is available at called Gravity causes
Climate Changes.

It claims that the IPCC and GCMs FAIL to properly implement the
Greenhouse Effect, by 

1. ignoring  that  the amount of energy photons coming into the
Earth limits the GHE, and 

2. instead claiming that the simple addition of CO2 without added
energy, causes warming in violation of the 2nd Law of
Thermodynamics and

3. An additional source of incoming energy in the force of gravity
and gravitational potential ennegy has been totally ignored in the
IPCC analysis.


In simple terms, Svante Arrhenius in 1896  said that in order to
get the GreenHouse warming Effect (GHE), you must add an energy
photon to a greenhouse gas (GHG) which delays the photon's
transport to space by a few nanosonds thus causing more warming.
The GHE results in about 11% (32/287) of the  Earths temperature
due to the fraction of the spectrum of energy photons that can be
absorbed and released a few nanseconds later. The IPCC however
claims that you just need to add a GHG to the air to get the
GHE.(AR4, WG1, Ch1, p116). Clearly the latter is impossible since
you can not increase the temperature witout adding an energy photon
without violating the Law of Conservation of Energy.

It is claimed that the IPCC mechanism is only valid as the Earth's
atmosphere is coming up to energy equilibrium, when there would
exist sufficient excess energy to provide the GHGs with the
required absorbable photon of energy. Once the Earth reaches
equilibrium when all the energy coming in is equal to the energy
going out, and with both the Water Vapor and CO2 absorbtion spectra
saturated or absorbing 100% of the absorbable photons, then  the
addition of any more GHGs will not result in any more GHE warming
because there are no longer any absorbable photons available. This
then results in an EXCESS of the GHGs in the air. The proof is
simple- When you add more WV to the air, as when the humidity goes
from a "normal" 33% to 100% when it rains, there is no increase in
the GHE warming of the air. By the IPCC logic you would expect the
WV GHE to triple from 32C to 96C. This does not happen because all
of the absorbable photons are already in use. ie the absorbtion
spectra for  WV (& CO2) are saturated. This is why all of the Water
in the oceans has not  become water vapor in use by the GHE. The
addition of more GHGs just results in more excess GHGs in the air,
not more warming. 


The idea of excess GHGs is also supported by the fact that
whenever the temperature decreases, every night, every winter etc,
then the amount of GHGs in use causing the GHE also decreases. This
results in more GHGs becoming excess. Since the temperature is
below the record highs and since man has added more CO2, then 
under normal average conditions today on Earth  there is excess
GHGs. If there is excess then  then any increase is dictated by the
energy coming in and out, and it would use the excess first (as it
does every morning) rather than waiting until man adds more excess.

Now if there is excess GHGs and no available energy, then the
IPCC/Models contention that more CO2 results in more feedback
warming by WV, also is impossible. due to the lack of energy
photons. Similarly the contention that more clouds will result in
more positive feedbacks is also impossible if there are no
available energy photons, even while in the lab more WV/clouds
should result in more warming or posotive feedback IF THE PHOTONS
WERE AVAILABLE. With the invalidation of the feedback models, then 
all derivations of  forcing functions which depend on the models
are also invalid.


The terminology that a Greenhouse Gas "traps" an energy photon to
cause the Greenhouse Effect is incorrect and misleading.

The photon is absorbed and released within nanoseconds as the
energized GHG molecule collides with other air molecules and
returns the energy to the air. The concept that the energy is
trapped is absurd. Since the GHE actually  causes about  an 11%
temperature increase or (32C/287C on average), then if the energy
photons were trapped for a  significant period of time, say 10
days, let alone the 50+ years of disequilibrium claimed by Hansen,
the air would have absorbed all of the energy that would have come
in in a single day (ie 11% times 10 days=110%) yet the dailytemp
increase is on the order of 10 to 15 degrees C, but the increase in
the GHE only claims 0.8 degrees per century. Clearly trapping does
not happen. You do not see individual GHG molecules at 900C. They
are all at air temperature.


In summary, the GISS/HADCRU/IPCC models are so flawed as to be
totally worthless. They fail to model the reality of conditions on
Earth. They mis-apply the GHE. If more CO2 does NOT cause more
warming, then there is no reason to Cap or reduce emissions.
However as Hansen points out,  the increasing temperature data is
complete enough to document that warming exists, the data on
incoming energy , the sole source used in the models, has
essentially not increased since the 1960s, so  there MUST be some
other source of energy, eg gravity, that is causing the very real
warming. see the paper referenced above for further explanation.


Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-03-24 20:06:10

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