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Comment 102 for Greenhouse Gas Heavy Duty Vehicles (SmartWay) (ghghdv08) - 45 Day.

First NameJim
Last NameMorton Trucking
SubjectProposed Regulations
This message is to let this state government Know that these
proposed regulations are a crock of crap.I have been in the
trucking industry since 1981 paying taxes that support the very
people [ARB],who are trying to put myself and others out of
business,the State of CA is in a total economic shambles with very
little work going on.How are we suppose to support ourselves and
maintain any kind of life here, if we try to comply with these
outrages proposals in the works.I can just make ends meet with the
equipment I have ,which will become worthless and unable to
sell.Will the State of CA bail me out and fund new equipment that I
already Can't pay for and provide me housing when I loose my house
because I have no income to pay the mortgage and feed my family
because there is no money to buy food?
Come up with a new plan that would require smoke check at
registration like the way Auto's are done.This whole proposal is
just unacceptable in this country where we are supposed to be
free!This is not some third world state run by dictators [ARB].I
wish I could really say what I think of the ARB but I have more
respect of them than they do of us.Jim Morton O/O since 1981.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-12-09 16:50:41

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