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Comment 3 for 1990 GHG Emissions Level (ccei07) - Non-Reg.

First NameJohn
Last NameDarnell
AffiliationStudent CSUN-political science major
Subjectreducing GHG's
I am glad this bill has passed. The Debate is over. I had a thought
of something that might alter or amend this bill later though. What
if our next President passed a federal bill to reduce GHG's by 50%?
How would the state of CA reduce GHG's more than the 25% mark. I
have a suggestion to not just be satisfied with finding ways to
reduce just enough for 25%, but go further with the implementation
part of it. The goal is only a 25% reduction, but leave other
options open as well and implement them so when the next bill
comes it won't cost CA as much money.
-Just wondering how this new bill potential federal bill would
change things...

-And, if you are only looking for enough options to reduce the
GHG's 25%, if you had more ideas of reduction in mind that were
not approved by the ARB would it reduce them more and be better to
just implement them anyway?

-Finally, how are you sure that the reduction will be 25%? Maybe
we should shoot for 35% and only hit 25%... 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-12-02 03:18:47

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