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Comment 412 for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NamePhillip
Last NamePotter
SubjectCorporate Polluters Have Too Loud a Voice!

It is clear from recent history that corporate control of the
majority of our country's discourse has taken us a long way from
the proper and right discussions we should be having.  When we
strip away the "parsing," "message control," and "spin" we can have
a REAL discussion about the ways in which the nation's largest
polluters have abused the environment to their benefit; at the
expense of the rest of us!

The use of scientific data should inform our discussions on the
environment.  One would think that with continuing advancements in
data collection, and research methodology that the information
coming from research would be granted more and more credibility,
but it seems that is not the case.  Why is this?  Moneyed interests
speak louder than scientists and a logically thinking and informed
citizenry!  Sadly, the echo chamber of the media shunts the voices
of the scientific community and anyone else who dares oppose the
titans of industry into a very quiet corner with a "dunce cap."

Please stand up for your citizenry and the scientific community and
remember that the voices of industries that pollute should not
overwhelm the voices of us who have to live like "canaries in a
coal mine." 

Thank you,
Phillip Potter 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-11 08:15:41

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