Last reviewed on 12-01-2023

Documentation of California's Greenhouse Gas Inventory (2023 Edition - Last updated on 12-1-2023)

♦ Category: Energy

IPCC: 1A3bi - Fuel Combustion Activities - Transport - Road Transportation - Cars
Sector: Transportation : On Road : Light-duty Vehicles : Passenger Cars

♦ Activity: Fuel combustion - Ethanol

♦ Greenhouse gas: Carbon dioxide from biogenic sources ( CO2 )

► Year 2005 —

● Greenhouse gas emission estimate —

Amount: 2,318,313 tonnes of CO2 From biogenic materials (2,318,313 tonnes CO2 Eq.)
Basis: Calculation
Calculation: [Fuel combustion] * [Heat content] * [Fuel CO2 emission]
Reference: IPCC (2006). 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Prepared by the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme, Eggleston H.S., Buendia L., Miwa K., Ngara T., and Tanabe K. (eds). Volume 2, Chapter 2: Stationary Combustion. Published: IGES, Japan.

● Activity level used in calculations —

Activity: Fuel combustion = 403,257,842 gal of Ethanol
Basis: Calculation
Calculation: [EMFAC category fuel combustion] * ([Fuel sales] / [EMFAC total fuel combustion]) * [Fraction of fuel mix]
Reference: CARB (2016). Technical support document on GHG inventory methodologies for the 2000-2014 inventory. See Discussion of emissions from on-road transportation available at:
Reference: Not Applicable.

● Parameters and Constants used in calculations —

Parameter: CO2 emission factor = 0.0684 g / btu
Reference: CARB (2016). Technical support document on GHG inventory methodologies for the 2000-2014 inventory. See Discussion of emissions from on-road transportation available at:
Parameter: EMFAC category fuel combustion = 6,879,269,806 gal
Reference: CARB (2021). The California Air Resources Board's Emission FACtors (EMFAC) model was used to calculate emission rates from all motor vehicles, such as passenger cars and heavy-duty trucks, operating on highways, freeways, and local roads in California.
Parameter: EMFAC total fuel combustion = 15,473,197,967 gal
Reference: CARB (2021). The California Air Resources Board's Emission FACtors (EMFAC) model was used to calculate emission rates from all motor vehicles, such as passenger cars and heavy-duty trucks, operating on highways, freeways, and local roads in California.
Parameter: Fraction of fuel mix = 0.057
Reference: CARB (2016). Technical support document on GHG inventory methodologies for the 2000-2014 inventory. See Discussion of emissions from on-road transportation available at:
Parameter: Fuel sales = 15,912,767,049 gal
Reference: CDTFA (2022). [Formerly referred to as Board of Equalization (BOE)]. California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. Fuel Taxes Statistics & Reports - Motor Vehicle Fuel. Accessed online at:
Parameter: Heat content = 84,000 btu / gal
Reference: USEPA (2012). Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Regulation

● Greenhouse gas from biogenic materials per unit activity (derived from values listed above) —

Amount: 5,749 g (i.e. 5.75 kg) of CO2 per gal of Ethanol