State of California
                      AIR RESOURCES BOARD
        Executive Officer Hearing Held on Oct. 21, 1982
           "Meteorological Criteria for Ag Burning".
                       Table of Contents

1.   Digest of Regulatory Action Pursuant to Government Code
     Section 11346.7(c).

2.   Executive Order.

3.   Hearing Officer's Report.

4.   Opposing Considerations and Agency Response.

5.   Response to Significant Environmental Issues.

6.   Public Hearing Notice.

7.   Summary and Statement of Reasons.

8.   Staff Report.

9.   Transcript.

10.  MBUAPCD Resolution 81-30, Letter of Transmittal, and Staff

11.  MBUAPCD Resolution 81-46 and Letter of Transmittal.

12.  Written Testimony Presented by Lawrence D. Odle at Hearing.

13.  Hearing Attendance Sheet.