State of California

State Building
107 South Broadway
Los Angeles, CA

October 21, 1981
9:30 a.m.



81-21-1 CONTINUATION OF Public Hearing to Further 001
Consider Amendments to Rule 1113 of the South
Coast Air Quality Management District Limiting
the Solvent Content of Architectural Coatings.

81-21-2 Public Meeting to Consider a Suggested Control 205
Measure for the Control of Emissions of Oxides of
Nitrogen from Cement Kilns. (Heard on 10/22, but
all information enclosed herein).

81-21-3 Other Business
a. Closed Sessions
1. Personnel (as authorized by State Agency Open
Meeting Act).
2. Litigation (Pursuant to the attorney-client
b. Research Proposals
c. Delegations to Executive Officer


ITEM NO.: 81-21-1


The California Air Resources Board (ARB) staff proposes that the
Board amend Rule 1113 of the south Coast Air Quality Management
District. Rule 1113, as amended by the South Coast Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD) Board on July 3, 1981, establishes
specific limitation on the amount of volatile organic compounds,
or solvents, employed in certain types of architectural coatings.
The Air Resources Board staff has reviewed these limits and has
determined that more stringent requirements are technically
feasible and are necessary to attain health-based ambient air
quality standards for ozone, a major component of photochemical
smog, in the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB).

Prior to July 3, 1981, the SCAQMD had in effect a rule which
limited the volatile organic compounds in architectural coatings.
On July 3, 1981, the SCAQMD Board made several modifications to
Rule 1113 which changed some of those limits and thereby greatly
reduced the rule's effectiveness at limiting emissions of smog-causing
compounds. The action proposed for ARB consideration is
to amend the July 3, 1981, rule adopted by the SCAQMD so that it
is similar to the rule in effect prior to that date.

ITEM NO.: 81-21-2


The staff of the Air Resources Board (ARB) has identified the
need to reduce emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from
stationary sources in the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB), because
the state and national ambient air quality standards for nitrogen
dioxide (NO2) are exceeded in this Air Basin. The 1980 NOx
emissions from cement kilns are estimated at 10.3 tons per day in
the South Coast Air Basin.

Emissions of NOx from cement kilns also contribute to violations
of the state and/or national ambient air quality standards for
either total suspended particulate matter or visibility in the
Bay Area, South Coast, Sacramento Valley, Mountain Counties,
North Central Coast, San Joaquin and Southeast Desert Air Basins.
The ARB staff recommends that the suggested control measure be
transmitted to other districts in which there are either existing
or proposed cement kilns for consideration of adoption into
regulatory form to the extent that additional NOx emission
reductions may be necessary in those districts and to be used as
a guideline for Best Available Control Technology (BACT)
determinations. Statewide, the 1980 NOx emissions from cement
kilns are estimated to be approximately 120 tons per day.

The emission limit contained in this suggested control measure
represents a 38 percent reduction from estimated 1980 NOx
emissions from existing cement kilns in the SCAB. This measure
would require that by July 1, 1984, existing cement kilns emit no
more than 3.1 pounds of NOx per ton of clinker produced. A
technology review after January 1, 1984 is provided for in the
control measure to allow adjustment of the emission limits if
evidence supports such action at that time. It is estimated that
about 3.9 tons of NOx per day will be reduced in the SCAB if this
measure is adopted and implemented.

The staff has determined that reducing NOx emissions from cement
kilns to the levels specified in the measure is technologically
feasible and cost effective. Determination was based on: review
of the cement making process; evaluation of available cement kiln
emissions data; discussion of NOx control with industry
scientists; and, review of NOx control techniques used in
comparable combustion processes. Combustion and process
modifications are promising control techniques for reducing NOx
emissions from cement kilns.

Two research programs are being conducted on combustion and
process modifications and other related control techniques for
the abatement of NOx from cement kilns. The two programs, one
sponsored by the California Ad Hoc Committee of the Portland
Cement Association and the other sponsored by EPA, are expected
to provide usual data by early 1984. These programs include
hardware implementation which will allow direct quantification of
emission reductions due to combustion and process modifications.
The results of these efforts will provide further information on
emission reduction and cost-effectiveness of control techniques
which industry could use to comply with the emissions limit in
this control measure. Additionally, the technology review in the
control measure allows for adjustment of emission limits after
January 1, 1984. Emission control techniques such as preheater
precalciner kilns, selective catalytic reduction and selective
noncatalytic reduction are also expected to be capable of meeting
the limitation defined by this suggested control measure.

The staff estimates the cost-effectiveness of this suggested
control measure to range from $0.02 to $0.41 per pound of NOx
removed. Also, the staff has not identified any potentially
significant adverse environmental impacts associated with the
implementation of this suggested control measure.

The staff report contains detailed discussions of the need for
control of this source, the control technologies, and the
economic and environmental impacts of the proposed measure.