State of California
                      AIR RESOURCES BOARD
              Board of Education Building, Room 30
                      135 Van Ness Avenue
                       San Francisco, CA
                       September 27, 1972
                           9:30 a.m.

1.   Approval of Minutes of August 23 and September 12 & 13, 1972

2.   Consideration of Emergency Regulations to Defer Installation
     Schedule for NOx Control Devices on 1966-70 Vehicles Beyond
     February 1, 1973.

3.   Discussion of Installation Schedule for NOx Control Devices
     on 1966-70 Vehicles.

4.   Staff Report on Experiences with 1955-65 Retrofit Program
     which began on September 1, 1972.

5.   Proposed Schedule for Extension of Mandatory Installation of
     Retrofit Devices for 1955-65 Vehicles.

6.   Summary of New Car Approvals.

7.   Staff Report on Laboratory Compliance Testing and
     Enforcement Activities.

8.   Report on Pilot Study Phase of California Highway Patrol
     Roadside Idle Emission Tests.

9.   Other Business.

     a.   Consideration of Ad Hoc Medical Committee on Emergency
          Episode Criteria.

     b.   Resolution on Board Policy on Conversion of Gasoline
          Vehicles to Gaseous Fuels.

     c.   Others.

10.  Remarks from the Audience.


Installation Schedule Deferral 1966-1970 NOx Devices.

Senate Bill No. 578 includes the following with respect to
installation scheduling:

Vehicle Code Section 4602,

     (b)  The department shall require, upon 1973 renewal of
          registration of any motor vehicle subject to Section
          39177.1 of the Health and Safety Code, a valid
          Certificate of Compliance from a licensed motor vehicle
          pollution control device installation and inspection
          station indicating that such vehicle pollution control
          device which is in proper operating condition and which
          is of a type that has been accredited by the State Air
          Resources Board pursuant to Section 39177.1 of the
          Health and Safety Code.  For extraordinary and
          compelling reasons only, the State Air Resources Board
          may, by regulation, after a public hearing, defer or
          delete the requirement of Certificates of Compliance
          required pursuant to this subdivision.  In such event,
          the Board may adjust the schedule of installation
          adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 39177.1
          of the Health and Safety Code and shall immediately
          report to the Governor and the Legislature the actions
          taken and the reasons therefor.

Since the Board only recently accredited the required devices,
information received by the staff suggests that it is not
practical to have devices installed on all 1966-70 model vehicles
by February of 1973.  For this reason the Executive Officer has
requested testimony from organizations most affected by this


Report of Inter-Agency Enforcement Committee Meeting.

On September 22 a meeting of the newly reconstituted committee
was held in Sacramento.  Members John McLaughlin, Department of
Motor Vehicles, John Drobney, Department of Consumer Affairs, and
G.C. Hass, Air Resources Board, were present.  Inspector D.L.
Gibson, California Highway Patrol, was represented by Captain
William Fradenburg.  Mr. Romney and other agency staff members
were also present.

The committee considered the need for deferral of the February,
1973, completion date and concluded it would be physically
impossible to meet the deadline in the time remaining.  The next
annual registration date, February, 1974, would require an
average of over two installations per day per licensed
installation station, if all chose to market the devices.  Each
installation is estimated to require about 3/4 hours.  While this
task would take a sizeable portions of the stations' time, it
could be accomplished if the workload were well distributed.


Summary of Experience with 1955-1965 Exhaust Emission Control
Device Retrofit Program.

At the July 12 meeting, the Board instructed the staff to keep it
informed of citizen complaints concerning the exhaust emission
control device retrofit program for used cars.  This report
includes these complaints and presents a summary of the staff's
experience to date with this program.


Device Installation Schedule for 1955-1965 Vehicles.

A recommendation was made at the August 25, 1972 Board meeting by
the Department of Motor Vehicles to begin installation of the
1955-65 retrofit devices after the peak registration period of
December 1, 1972 to February 9, 1973.  During this time period
the total registration is estimated to be approximately 13.4
million vehicles.  The introduction of a new program of retrofit
devices may impose an extra burden on this peak-load operation.


Summary of Executive Orders Issued in Accordance with Resolution

On July 19, 1972, the Board adopted Resolution 72-104 which
defined those official actions which could be taken by the
Executive Officer without formal Board action.  The Board
requested the Executive Officer to keep it informed of approvals
granted.  This report is a summary of new car approvals that had
been granted as of September 1.


Assembly Line Testing and Enforcement of New Vehicle Standards.

The Air Resources Board's (ARB) program of confirmatory testing
of vehicles at the end of the assembly line has been in effect
since February, 1972.  As with all new equipment put on-line for
the first time, testing was slow at the beginning.  As reported
to the Board at its May 17, 1972 meeting, over 300 vehicles were
tested by the hot 7-mode test during the period February-April
1972.  Since then, from May-August, 1972, over 1,000 vehicles
have been tested.  These tests showed some engine families had
high emissions as compared to the 1972 assembly line exhaust
emission standards.  Because of this, three vehicles from each of
these engine families were selected at random for testing by the
approval test procedure according to enforcement and surveillance
regulations as stated in Title 13 of the Administrative Code,
Section 2803.  This report summarizes action taken by the staff
since its last report, to assure compliance with the assembly
line test procedures.


Pilot Study Phase of C.H.P. Roadside Emission Tests.

A pilot study of roadside idle inspection for hydrocarbons and
carbon monoxide exhaust concentration has been completed by the
California Highway Patrol.  Idle emission standards have been set
by the Air Resources Board (ARB) based on data from ARB
surveillance studies.  Idle standards were set for eleven
categories of vehicles based on vehicle model year, foreign or
domestic, and type of emission control system (engine
modification or air injection).  One of the purposes of the pilot
study was to obtain data on a larger scale and to evaluate
rejection rates for each of the eleven categories and the two


Ad-Hoc Medical Advisory Committee.


At its September 12, 1972 meeting, the Board requested the
California Department of Public Health ro recommend membership on
an Ad-Hoc Medical Advisory Committee to assist the Board in the
development of emergency episode criteria.  This committee is to
br composed of members of the following organizations: State
Department of Public Health, California Medical Association,
California Thoracic Society, California Heart Association,
Tuberculosis & Respiratory Disease Association, and California
medical schools, both public and private.


The Department of Public Health has responded with the attached
memorandum and proposed recommended membership for the Ad-Hoc
Medical Advisory Committee.  The California Heart Association has
been contacted but has not furnished the Department of Public
Health with a recommendation.  In absence of such a
recommendation, the Department of Public Health would like to
recommend Dr. Jack Hackney for this position.  This completes the
Department's recommendations for the committee.

The staff has discussed with the Department of Public Health a
proposed charge to the Ad-Hoc Medical Advisory Committee.  The
proposed charge is attached.