South Coast Air Quality Management District
McCandless Auditorium
9150 Flair Drive
El Monte, CA

August 15, 1989
10:00 a.m.


89-15-1 Public Hearing to Consider Air Resources Board Adoption
of the South Coast Air Quality Management Plan for
Purposes of Attaining and Maintaining State Ambient Air
Quality Standards and as a Revision to the State
Implementation Plan for the South Coast Air Basin
(Continued from June 22-23, 1989 Board Meeting).

The public testimony portion of the hearing was
complete June 23, 1989, and the record closed to
further public testimony. There will be no public
testimony at the August 15, 1989 hearing.

Closed Session:

Litigation -- Authorized by Govt. Code Section 11126
(q)(1); Citizens for a Better Environment v.
Deukmejian, et al., and Sierra Club v. Metropolitan
Transportation Commission, et al.