Doubletree Hotel
Gold Coast Ballroom
2055 Harbor Boulevard
Ventura, CA

August 13, 1992
1:00 p.m.



92-12-1 Public Meeting to Consider an Informational 001
Report on the Generation and Use of Mobile Source
Reduction Credits.

Special Order of Business 2:00 p.m.

92-12-2 Public Meeting to Consider Approval of Attainment 066
Plans for Districts within the South Central Coast
Air Basin as Required by the California Clean Air
Act of 1988.

ITEM NO.: 92-12-2

Public Meeting to Consider the Approval of Attainment Plans for
Districts Within the South Central Coast Air Basin as Required by
the California Clean Air Act of 1988.


That the Board approve most of the plan elements for the Ventura,
Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo plans; and that the Board
request the districts to address the remaining plan elements as
proposed by staff.


The three individual plans submitted by Ventura, Santa Barbara,
and San Luis Obispo must satisfy California Clean Air Act
requirements. Staff is recommending that the Board find as

The Ventura plan includes all feasible measures and proposes
expeditious rule adoption. The requirements not yet satisfied in
the Ventura plan are the transportation performance standards.

The Santa Barbara plan does not address all reasonably available
transportation control measures, and therefore does not include
all feasible measures. In addition, the Santa Barbara plan does
not satisfy the transportation performance standards or the "no
net increase" requirements for new and modified stationary

The San Luis Obispo plan includes all feasible measures and
proposes expeditious rule adoption. The San Luis Obispo plan
satisfies all the Act's requirements.

Because the Santa Barbara and Ventura districts are more similar
in the location and density of their population and in the
severity of their air quality problem than either is with San
Luis Obispo, staff is recommending that the Board interpret the
Act's uniformity requirement to apply only to Ventura and Santa
Barbara. Similarly, staff is recommending that the Board approve
the two different presumed classifications for the Basin: severe
for Ventura and Santa Barbara and serious for San Luis Obispo.

All three plans need additional details on funding for and
commitments to implement transportation control measures. Staff
is asking that all three districts clarify the current level of
financial and policy commitment by the responsible implementing
agencies, and, where these commitments are lacking, to submit a
workplan and schedule for obtaining these commitments within
specified time periods. Staff is also recommending that
districts actively participate in regional transportation and
congestion management planning.


Partial approval of the plans will allow all three districts to
begin implementing satisfactory plan elements while other plan
deficiencies are addressed. Significant emission reductions can
be expected from full implementation of the plan measures. The
interpretations of regional planning requirements place new
responsibilities on the districts for greater regional
coordination. Increased coordination among the districts could
have the added benefit of reducing financial burdens as districts
begin to pool resources and coordinate planning efforts.