State of California
                  Department of Public Health
                            Room 123
                       2151 Berkeley Way
                          Berkeley, CA
                         July 21, 1960
                           9:30 a.m.

1.   Opening Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . .M.H. Merrill, M.D.,
     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Public Health,
     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chairman Pro Tem.

2.   Self-Introduction of Members of the Board

3.   Legislative Intent and Background to A.B. 17
     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assemblyman Ronald Cameron

4.   Selection and Seating of Chairman

5.   Selection of Vice-Chairman

6.   Approval of Agenda for Meeting

7.   Discussion of the Scope of the Board's Responsibilities and
     Its Functions

     a.   Areas for which the Board has responsibility.
          1.   How far does responsibility extend?
          2.   Motor vehicle pollution control device testing and
               a.   Adoption of criteria for approval.
               b.   Testing of devices.
               c.   Certification of devices.
               d.   Exemption of classes of motor vehicles.
          3.   Other
     b.   Areas for which the Board does not have
          1.   Air pollution sources other than motor vehicles.
               a.   Fixed sources.
               b.   Moving sources other than motor vehicles
                    (trains, ships, airplanes, etc.).
          2.   Air quality standards, motor vehicle emission
               standards, and standards for emissions from fixed
          3.   Air monitoring.
          4.   Studies on the nature and cause of air pollution
               and effects of air pollution on health, vegetation
               damage, visibility, etc.
          5.   Others.

8.   Organization of the Board and Selection of Technical Staff.
     a.   Location of Headquarters.
     b.   Selection of Executive Officer and other staff.
          1.   Qualification and method of selection of Executive
          2.   Appointment of subcommittee to interview and
               recommend an Executive Officer.
     c.   Use of technical staff from other agencies.

9.   Appointment of Other Subcommittees.
     a.   Laboratory selection; approval of laboratories, etc.
     b.   Device-testing procedures.
     c.   Other committees.

10.  Correspondence.
     a.   Correspondence received to date.
     b.   Handling correspondence in immediate future.
          1.   By temporary secretary.
          2.   By State Department of Public Health.
          3.   Other.

11.  Agenda Items Suggested by Board Members.

12.  Meetings of the Board.
     a.   Place and time of next meeting.
     b.   Items for agenda of next meeting.
     c.   Frequency of meetings for next few months.