State of California
                      AIR RESOURCES BOARD
                       Resources Building
                       1416 Ninth Street
                         Sacramento, CA
                       June 21 & 22, 1972
                           9:30 a.m.

1.   Opening Statement . . . . .A.J. Haagen-Smit, Ph.D., Chairman

2.   Approval of Minutes of Meetings of May 17, and May 30, 1972.

3.   Report of Technical Advisory Committee. . . . . . . . . . . 
     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. Robert Brattain, Chairman

4.   Public Hearing on Reorganization of Title 13, California
     Administrative Code to Delete Obsolete Sections and Clarify
     Existing Language.

5.   Public Hearing on the Adoption of Regulations Establishing
     Criteria for the Evaluation and Testing of Motor Vehicle
     Emission Control Devices and Fuel Additives.

6.   Consideration of Applications for Accreditation of NOx
     Control Devices for 1966-70 Model Vehicles:

     a.   Discussion of Effects of Vacuum Spark Advance
          Disconnection on Exhaust Valve Life.
     b.   Echlin Corporation.
     c.   Dana Corporation.

7.   Public Hearing on Adoption of Regulations Establishing
     Statewide Guidelines for Agricultural Burning.

8.   Public Hearing on the Adoption of Revised Air Quality
     Standards for SO2, H2S, and Visibility.

9.   California's Implementation Plan for Achieving Federal Air
     Quality Standards:

     a.   Report on EPA's Action Approving California's
          Implementation Plan but Rejecting Portions of the Plan.
     b.   Continuation of Public Hearing on Local Rules and
          Regulations Included in State Implementation Plan.

10.  Appeal of Staff Evaluation that the "Adak's Vacuum Breaker"
     is a Violation of Section 27156 of the California Vehicle

11.  Report of Emissions Obtained from 1972 Model Volkswagen and
     Chrysler Vehicles, which were Retested Using the Official
     CVS Procedures.

12.  Approval of Control Devices for New Cars, Permits, etc.

13.  Consideration of Resolution to Limit Presently Approved LPG
     and Natural Gas Conversions to 1971 and Earlier Model

14.  Other Business:

     a.   Quality Audit Test Results Under ARB's Assembly Line
          Test Procedures.
     b.   Report on Investigation of Emissions from Caffee-Rice
     c.   Consideration of Requests for Extension of Time for
          Burning on Open Dumps.
     d.   Other.

15.  Remarks from the Audience.


Revision of Air Resources Board Motor Vehicle Regulations.

The Air Resources Board's regulations began with the organization
and provisions developed by the Motor Vehicle Pollution Control
Board.  The Air Resources Board has, since its first days,
received several additional statutory obligations and has
developed new regulations in carrying them out, and the Motor
Vehicle Pollution Control Board's system has proven
unsatisfactory to handle them.

This system, among other things, divorces standards from test
procedures and has a separate article devoted to oxides of
nitrogen, resulting in the duplication of the printing of most
current test procedures.

Also, standards and test procedures for new 1971 and earlier
model vehicles no longer serve a useful purpose and should be
deleted.  Finally, some provisions from crankcase and fuel
evaporative control devices have been deleted because of federal

The following revision to Title 13 eliminates the duplication and
the obsolete standards and test procedures, and reorganizes the
remaining material in a clear and meaningful manner.  Adoption of
Resolution 72-91 is recommended by the staff.


Proposed Criteria for the Evaluation of Motor Vehicle Pollution
Control Devices and Fuel Additives.

Section 39052.7 of the Health and Safety Code (enacted during the
1971 Legislative Session) requires the Air Resources Board to
establish criteria for the evaluation of motor vehicle pollution
control devices and fuel additives.

The staff drafted proposed criteria which were presented to the
Board at its May 17, 1972 meeting.  The Board, in response to
this, requested the staff to prepare these regulations for
adoption into Title 13 by scheduling a public hearing to be held
on June 21, 1972.

Accordingly, a notice of proposed changes in the regulations of
the Air Resources Board pertaining to these criteria was
published on May 18, 1972.  The staff recommends that the Board
approve the attached regulations by adopting the accompanying


Effects of Vacuum Spark Advance Disconnection on Exhaust Valve

The Board has received several applications from manufacturers
for accreditation of retrofit devices to be installed on
1966-1970 model year vehicles to reduce the emission of oxides of
nitrogen.  Some of these devices incorporate vacuum spark advance
disconnect (VSAD).  Although emission test data for systems
utilizing VSAD indicate substantial reduction in oxides of
nitrogen, questions concerning the nature and extent of adverse
effects are presently unresolved.  Specifically, the issue of
potential decrease in exhaust valve life due to increased
temperature exposure has recently been stressed.  The Board staff
accepts as fact that, qualitatively, VSAD will tend to decrease
exhaust valve life.  However, data necessary to make a judgement
as to the quantitative extent of this effect is lacking.


Application for Accreditation of a Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emission
Control Device for Oxides of Nitrogen.


This report is a staff evaluation of the Echlin Corporation
oxides of nitrogen control device for used vehicles (1966-1970
year models).  The basis for evaluation and specific requirements
are stated in the California Health and Safety Code, Section
39107.6 and 39175 to 39184, and Title 13 of the California
Administrative Code, Chapter 3, Subchapter 2, Article 3.  Test
details and specific requirements are contained in the
"California Oxides of Nitrogen Control Device Test Procedures for
used 1966 through 1970 Model Year Vehicles Under 6,001 Pounds
Gross Vehicle Weight" adopted by the Board on November 17, 1971. 
The Oxides of Nitrogen Standards were adopted by the Board on
February 16, 1972.


Perfect Circle Division, Dana Corporation Application for
Accreditation of a Used Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emission Control
Device for Oxides of Nitrogen.


This report is a staff evaluation of the Perfect Circle Division
of Dana Corporation exhaust emission control device for reduction
of oxides of nitrogen emission from used light duty 1966 through
1970 model year motor vehicles.  The basis for evaluation and
specific requirements are stated in the California Health and
Safety Code, Sections 39107.6, 39177.1, 39177.2, 39177.3, and
39177.4, and Title 13 of the California Administrative Code,
Chapter 3, Subchapter 2, Sections 1948 and 2208(f).  Test details
and specific requirements are presented in the "California Oxides
of Nitrogen Control Device Test Procedures for Used 1966 through
1970 Model-Year Motor Vehicles under 6,001 Pounds Gross Vehicle
Weight" as adopted by the Board on November 17, 1971, with device
standards adopted on February 16, 1972.


Public Hearing on Proposed Agricultural Burning Guidelines and
Meteorological Criteria.


At the April 19, 1972 Board meeting, the staff reported to the
board on the Proposed New Agricultural Burning Guidelines and
Proposed Meteorological Criteria.  The Board directed the staff
to publish a notice and hold public hearings at three locations
in the State.  Such notice was given and more than 1500 copies of
the proposed guidelines and criteria were mailed to interested
persons.  The first hearing, held in Santa Barbara on May 26,
1972, had about 35 people in attendance.  The second hearing,
held May 31, 1972 in Indio, had about 50 people in attendance. 
Both of these hearings were chaired by Mr. Walter Schmid.  The
third hearing will be held in Eureka on June 19, 1972.

This booklet contains the material pertinent for the public
hearing on the proposed Agricultural Burning Guidelines and
Meteorological Criteria - Item 7 in the Agenda of the Board
meeting on June 21, 1972.

     A.   Hearing officers' report.
          1.   Santa Barbara Hearing
          2.   Indio Hearing

     B.   Notice of public hearings and the proposed guidelines
          and meteorological criteria.

     C.   Written comments.

     D.   Staff evaluation of comments received prior to June 13,

     E.   Proposed Resolution 72-82.


Summary of Testimony Presented at the Public Hearing on Proposed
Agricultural Burning and Meteorological Criteria (May 26, 1972).


Pursuant to Section 39051(c) of the State of California Health
and Safety Code, the Air Resources Board held a public hearing in
the Board of Supervisors Chambers, Santa Barbara, California at
1:30 p.m. on May 26, 1972.  The hearing was held, after due
notification and advertising, to consider the Proposed
Agricultural Burning Guidelines and Meteorological Criteria. 
Copies of these guidelines and criteria were available in the
locations shown in the Notice of Public Hearings and at the
hearing.  Additional hearings are being held in Indio, May 31,
1972, Eureka, June 19, 1972, and in Sacramento, June 21, 1972.


Summary of Testimony Presented at the Public Hearing on Proposed
Agricultural Burning Guidelines and Meteorological Criteria (May
31, 1972).


Pursuant to Section 39051(c) of the State of California Health
and Safety Code, the Air Resources Board held a public hearing in
the Indio Date Festival Fairgrounds Cafeteria, Indio, California
at 1:30 p.m. on May 31, 1972.  The hearing was held, after due
notification and advertising, to consider the Proposed
Agricultural Burning Guidelines and Meteorological Criteria. 
Copies of these guidelines and criteria were available in the
locations shown in the Notice of Public Hearings and at the
hearing.  Additional hearings are being held in Santa Barbara,
May 26, 1972, Eureka, June 19, 1972, and in Sacramento, June 21,


Report of Public Hearing on Proposed Agricultural Burning
Guidelines and Meteorological Criteria Held in Eureka, California
on June 19, 1972.


A public hearing was held in the Eureka City Council Chambers.
Eureka, California at 10 a.m. on June 19, 1972, to consider the
Proposed Agricultural Burning Guidelines and Meteorological


Staff Analysis of Comments Received Concerning the Proposed
Agricultural Burning Guidelines and Meteorological Criteria Prior
to June 13, 1972

Following is a summary of written comments and of the testimony
received at the Indio and Santa Barbara public hearings, and
staff discussion of these comments.


Staff Report on the Status of Local Rules and Regulations
Relative to the State Implementation Plan.

At the public hearing on May 30, 1972, the Board considered the
adoption of rules and regulations for a number of the State's
local air pollution control districts.  Some of the proposed
modifications and additions to local regulations were adopted. 
The proposals for eight of the Districts were referred to the
staff for further evaluation.