State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD
                           SHERATON-TOWN HOUSE
                         2961 Wilshire Boulevard
                              Terrace Room
                             Los Angeles, CA
                             April 28, 1979
                                8:30 a.m.


79-9-2         Continuation of a Public Hearing to Consider the
               Adoption of the Air Quality Management Plan for
               the South Coast Air Basin as a Revision to the
               State of California Implementation Plan for the
               Attainment and Maintenance of National Ambient air
               Quality Standards

                             TENTATIVE AGENDA

1.   Category I RACMs.
2.   Stationary Sources Measures for Further Study.
     e.g. (H-90)
3.   Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) analysis and Strategy.
4.   Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) analysis and Strategy.
5.   Projecting Attainment with Measures by 1987 vs. 1982 and
6.   Do Locals want to Lessen any of the Commitments to TCMs?
7.   Work Plan for Next Round.
     Decision on a date Local government Agrees is Workable.
8.   NSR Credits.
9.   H-24.  Motor Vehicle Measures.  ARB's Commitment.
10.  Local General Plan Consistency with Regional AQMP.
11   H-88.  Freeway Widenings.
12.  Baseline Transportation.
13.  Regional EIR.